Poker Face

Because of his poker face

There was no telling what was on his mind.

He could be thinking about nearly anything.

He could have for example been thing about a puppy.

Or doing his taxes.

It was just impossible to say.


As one after another nearly naked woman

strode pass him on the catwalk

at the topless thong fashion show

there was just no way of telling what he was thinking about.

Perhaps he was thinking about a puppy.


No telling with that poker face.

That poker face with his eyes bulging out of his skull.

He squirmed in his front row seat due

to some bodily swelling in his pants.

As his trousers became unbearably snug

there was still absolutely no way of telling

what he was thinking about.


Finally, the “tell” occurred when for the promotion

of a new perfume 12 completely naked women

(…ok they were wearing the perfume)

sauntered down the catwalk and stopped

just in front of him to bend over to open a jar of pickles.


Despite maintaining his Poker Face he sprang up and exclaimed:


“I want a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!”

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